Discordapierror[10062]: unknown interaction

The Discord API error with code 10062 “unknown interaction” occurs when an interaction request is received by the Discord API that cannot be found or is not recognized. Interactions in Discord are actions performed by users, such as clicking a button or selecting a dropdown menu, that trigger a specific response from the bot or application.

When a user interaction is made, such as clicking a button in a Discord message, a request is sent to the bot or application’s designated API endpoint. If the interaction is not properly defined or the endpoint does not handle it correctly, the Discord API returns the error code 10062.

To resolve this error, you should ensure that your bot or application is correctly handling all possible interactions and implementing the necessary endpoints to process them. This involves defining interaction types, creating the corresponding API routes, and handling the interactions in your code.

Here’s an example of how you can handle a button interaction using the Discord API:

const discord = require('discord.js');

const client = new discord.Client();

client.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('Bot is ready!');

client.ws.on('INTERACTION_CREATE', async (interaction) => {
  if (interaction.type === 2 && interaction.data.component_type === 2) {
    // Handle button interactions
    const buttonId = interaction.data.custom_id;
    if (buttonId === 'exampleButton') {
      // Do something when example button is clicked
      await handleExampleButton(interaction);

async function handleExampleButton(interaction) {
  // Implement your logic for the button interaction here
  const responseContent = 'Button interaction handled!';
  // Respond to the interaction with a message
  await client.api.interactions(interaction.id, interaction.token).callback.post({
    data: {
      type: 4,
      data: {
        content: responseContent


In the example above, the event listener for ‘INTERACTION_CREATE’ is used to handle any interactions received by the bot. The listener checks if the interaction type is 2 (message component) and the component type is 2 (button). If the custom ID of the clicked button matches the expected ID (‘exampleButton’ in this case), the bot calls the handleExampleButton() function to process the button interaction.

The handleExampleButton() function can contain your custom logic for handling the button interaction. In this case, it simply responds with a message containing the text “Button interaction handled!”. The interaction is responded to using the Discord API by making a POST request to the callback URL provided in the interaction object.

Remember to replace ‘YOUR_BOT_TOKEN’ with your actual Discord bot token for the code to work properly.

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