Fallowing suggestions, I stopped at this solution. Not the best, but kind of works.
So in Laravel blade I am generating link, here I can also do the roles/permission check:
@can('edit role') <role-name-link :role="{{$role}}" /> @endcan
Inside <role-name-link />
<a href="#" @click="open" @updateRoleName="updateName">{{name}}</a>
export default {
props: ['role'],
name: "RoleNameLink",
data() {
return {
name: this.role.name
methods: {
this.name = e.name;
created() {
Event.listen('updateRoleName', (role) =>{
if(this.role.id == role.id) this.name = role.name;
Once link is clicked on, it will open a modal with update form. After update is completed it will $emit (Event.fire()) another event to update link text.
this.spinner = this.form.processing;
.then(response => {
this.$toastr.s('Role '+this.actionName[this.action]);
if(this.action == 'patch') Event.fire('updateRoleName',response);
Back inside <role-name-link />
, I still need to compare id’s if(this.role.id == role.id) this.name = role.name;
, else it will update all names
in the table.
This will update the name in the php generated table. One gotcha there is, if I click the same link again, inside form it will show me the original name that was echoed by php.
Any thoughts, suggestions. How to make it better…. more elegant?
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