[Vuejs]-How to make work laravel, vue session csrf


If you are using axios with Vue2 for your ajax requests csrf is already available in bootstrap.js, you could see there this line

let token = document.head.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]');

If you want to insist for your ajax only, then you would have put this line in your mounted hook.

mounted() {
    this.csrfToken = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').content

this csrfToken should be attaached in your forms like this one

<form :method="method.toUpperCase() == 'GET' ? 'GET' : 'POST'">
    <input-hidden :value="csrfToken" name="_token"/>

        v-if="['GET', 'POST'].indexOf(method.toUpperCase()) === -1"

        This hidden submit button accomplishes 2 things:
            1: Allows the user to hit "enter" while an input field is focused to submit the form.
            2: Allows a mobile user to hit "Go" in the on-screen keyboard to submit the form.
    <input type="submit" class="absolute invisible z-0">


for good example of it. check this out csrf token

Note: Please don’t disable csrf token cause it’s only your way to secure your requests to the server.

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