Why Does Loop Keep Rolling My Total Vba Excel

The reason why your loop keeps rolling your total in VBA Excel can be explained by understanding how loops and variables work in VBA.

In a loop, you typically have a variable that you initialize before entering the loop. This variable is then used inside the loop to perform some calculations or operations. In your case, the “total” variable is being rolled or accumulated because it is not properly reset or initialized inside the loop.

Here’s an example to illustrate the issue:

Dim total As Integer
total = 0 ' Initialize total outside the loop

For i = 1 To 5
   total = total + i ' Accumulate the value of i into total
Next i

In the above example, the variable “total” is properly initialized before entering the loop. Inside the loop, the value of “i” is added to the current value of “total”, effectively accumulating the sum of all values from 1 to 5. If you were to print the value of “total” after the loop, it would be 15.

To avoid rolling the total, make sure to properly initialize or reset your total variable before entering the loop. This ensures that each iteration of the loop starts with a clean slate and prevents the accumulation of previous values.

Here’s an example of how to reset the total variable inside the loop:

Dim total As Integer

For i = 1 To 5
   total = 0 ' Reset total inside the loop
   total = total + i ' Accumulate the value of i into total
Next i

In this modified example, the total variable is reset to 0 inside the loop before accumulating the value of “i”. This ensures that for each iteration of the loop, the total starts from 0 and only includes the value of “i” from that specific iteration. If you were to print the value of “total” after the loop, it would be 5.

By properly initializing or resetting your total variable inside the loop, you can avoid the issue of the loop rolling the total and ensure that you only get the desired result.

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