Why Does Excel Vba Adding Rows To My Table

Why does Excel VBA add rows to my table?

When using Excel VBA, you can write code to automate various tasks, including adding rows to a table. However, it’s important to understand the specific reasons why you might want to add rows to a table in Excel.

There are several scenarios where you may need to add rows to a table:

  1. Data Entry: If you have an input form or user interface where users can enter data, you may need to dynamically add rows to a table to accommodate new entries.
  2. Data Import: When importing data from external sources or files, you might need to expand the table to include the imported data.
  3. Calculation/Aggregation: If you are performing calculations or aggregations based on existing data, adding rows can help you extend the data range.

Now, let’s dive deeper into each scenario and provide examples of how to add rows using Excel VBA.

Data Entry

Suppose you have a data entry form with several fields, such as “Name”, “Age”, and “Email”. The goal is to add a new row to the table each time the user submits the form. Here’s an example of how you can accomplish this in VBA:

Sub AddRow()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim newRow As ListRow
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your sheet name
    Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Table1") ' Replace "Table1" with your table name
    Set newRow = tbl.ListRows.Add
    newRow.Range(1) = Range("Name").Value ' Assuming "Name" is the named reference of the input textbox
    newRow.Range(2) = Range("Age").Value ' Assuming "Age" is the named reference of the input textbox
    newRow.Range(3) = Range("Email").Value ' Assuming "Email" is the named reference of the input textbox
End Sub

This code defines a subroutine named “AddRow” that creates a reference to the worksheet and table where the row will be added. It then adds a new row to the table using the “ListRows.Add” method, and assigns values to each column in the new row.

Note: Make sure to replace the sheet name and table name in the code with your specific values.

Data Import

Suppose you have a CSV file with data to import into an existing table in Excel. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this using VBA:

Sub ImportData()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim importRange As Range
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your sheet name
    Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Table1") ' Replace "Table1" with your table name
    Set importRange = ws.Range("A1:D5") ' Specify the range of the imported data
    tbl.Resize tbl.Range.Resize(tbl.Range.Rows.Count + importRange.Rows.Count) ' Resize the table to accommodate the imported data
    importRange.Copy tbl.Range.Cells(tbl.Range.Rows.Count + 1, 1) ' Paste the imported data to the table starting from the first empty row
End Sub

This code defines a subroutine named “ImportData” that creates a reference to the worksheet and table, as well as a “Range” object representing the data to be imported. It then resizes the table to accommodate the imported data, and copies the data from the import range to the table starting from the first empty row.

Note: Adjust the sheet name, table name, and import range as per your requirements.


In this scenario, you have an existing table in Excel on which you want to perform calculations or aggregations, and you may need to add rows to extend the data range. Here’s an example:

Sub AddRowsForCalculation()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim numRowsToAdd As Integer
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your sheet name
    Set tbl = ws.ListObjects("Table1") ' Replace "Table1" with your table name
    numRowsToAdd = 5 ' Specify the number of rows to add
    tbl.Resize tbl.Range.Resize(tbl.Range.Rows.Count + numRowsToAdd) ' Add empty rows to the table
    ' Perform calculations or aggregations with the extended data range
End Sub

This code defines a subroutine named “AddRowsForCalculation” that creates a reference to the worksheet and table. It takes the number of rows to add as an input and uses the “Resize” method to expand the table by the specified number of rows. After adding the rows, you can perform calculations or aggregations using the extended data range.

Note: Adjust the sheet name, table name, and the number of rows to add as per your requirements.

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