How To Insert Formula In Excel Vba

To insert a formula using VBA in Excel, you can use the Range.Formula property. This property allows you to set the formula as a string using VBA code.

Here’s an example of how to insert a formula using VBA in Excel:

      Sub InsertFormula()
        Dim formula As String
        formula = "=SUM(A1:A10)" ' Formula to be inserted
        ' Set the formula in cell B1
        Range("B1").Formula = formula
      End Sub

In the above code, we define the formula as a string and assign it to the formula variable. Then, we use the Range("B1").Formula property to set the formula in cell B1. You can change the range as per your requirement.

You can also use variables and concatenate them with the formula string to create dynamic formulas. For example:

      Sub InsertDynamicFormula()
        Dim startCell As String
        Dim endCell As String
        Dim formula As String
        startCell = "A1"
        endCell = "A10"
        formula = "=SUM(" & startCell & ":" & endCell & ")" ' Dynamic formula combining variables
        ' Set the formula in cell B1
        Range("B1").Formula = formula
      End Sub

In the above code, we use the variables startCell and endCell to define the range dynamically. The formula string is created by concatenating these variables with the formula syntax. This allows you to build complex formulas based on your requirements.

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