[Vuejs]-How does axios get the tree json and render a vue page?


This is a data structure problem. You could reshape the Axios response into a data structure that facilitates rendering that particular tree:

  1. In a computed property (e.g., named "phoneGroups"), get all the groups, indicated by pid of 0:

    const groups = this.phoneList.filter(x => x.pid === 0);
  2. For each group, get the items belonging to that group, indicated by a pid that matches the group ID:

    const data = {};
    for (const g of groups) {
      const subitems = this.phoneList.filter(x => x.pid === g.id);
      data[g.id] = {
        group: g,
    return data;
  3. In the template, render the computed result as follows:

      <li v-for="({group, subitems}) in phoneGroups" :key="group.id">
          <li v-for="subitem in subitems">-- {{subitem.name}}</li>


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