[Vuejs]-How to parse JSON data into HTML elemnets


Uses Vue.component to assembly JSON as one component may be one solution.

But you may need to adjust the HTML template in JSON. Because for supporting some features such as onclick, binding class, it will be one serious headache.

Below is one demo which may provide you some ideas how to reach your goal.

new Vue ({
  data () {
    return {
           "value":"This fun here.<br> <button type='button' @click='changeTheme(this)' data-theme='sketchy' class='theme-link btn btn-light'>Sketchy</button>",
           "class": 'text-success',
           "methods": {
             // changed onclick to @click, if you still like to use 'onclick' in the template, you have to define window.changeTheme
             changeTheme: function(obj) {console.log('clicked')}
  methods: {
    createComponent(element) {
      /*window.changeTheme = function () {
        console.log('clicked by onclick')
      return Vue.component(element.element, {
        template: `<div ref="test">${element.value}</div>`,
        mounted: function () {
          this.$nextTick(() => {
            // or adjust your template in JSON like `<button :class="classes"/>`, then binds element.class to data property=classes
        methods: element.methods
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
    <div class="container">
        <div v-for="(item, index) in elements" :key="index">
          <component :is="createComponent(item)"/>


You can do something like this; I changed the element in order to create a known htmlElement, so what you do here is to iterate your array of elements and you insert them inside the body, set the value, and toggle the class.


Cleanner solution thanks to pointing it out supercool

Documentation of classList

    let elements=[
       "value":"This fun here.<br> <button type='button' onclick='changeTheme(this)' data-theme='sketchy' class='theme-link btn btn-light'>Sketchy</button>",
       "class": 'text-success'

    let createdElement= document.createElement(elemen.element)
    createdElement.innerHTML = elemen.value


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