[Vuejs]-Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Spatie\Ssr\Engines\V8::__construct()



I recommend to take a short look into their code. As it is open and you even liked to it. So it should not be that difficult.

According to their unit tests a V8 instance is constructed this way:

$engine = new V8(new V8Js());

look at https://github.com/spatie/server-side-rendering/blob/master/tests/Engines/V8Test.php

So the constructor in V8 class needs a V8Js object. The parameter is not optional as the code says:

    public function __construct(V8Js $v8)
        $this->v8 = $v8;

Found here: https://github.com/spatie/server-side-rendering/blob/master/src/Engines/V8.php

Interestingly, an issue on this topic has been closed. Perhaps it should be reopened with further details?

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