[Vuejs]-Search nested array of JS objects for v-treeview


You can traverse the tree by a recursive function. You can think of the data structure as an M tree. Also I have used the closures for data encapsulation.

const data = [
      Name: 'Name Level 1',
      Title: 'Apple',
      children: [
            Name: 'Name Level 2',
            Title: 'Title Level 2',
            children: [{
              Name: 'Name Level 3',
              Title: 'Application',
              children: null
      Name: 'Name Level 1',
      Title: 'Apple',
      children: null

const filter = (item, search, textKey) => {
  let result = []
  const _filter = (item, search, textKey) => {
    for (const leaf of item) {
      if (leaf[textKey].indexOf(search) !== -1) {
        result = [...result, {Name: leaf.Name, Title: leaf.Title}]
      leaf.children ? _filter(leaf.children, search, textKey) : null
  _filter(item, search, textKey)
  return result

console.log(filter(data, 'App', 'Title'))

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