[Vuejs]-How to create a Javascript object with index and values with variables?


There are different ways to access your object in Javascript.

var myObj = {
   variableOne: {
             variableOneA: 'oneA',
             variableOneB: 'oneB'
   variableTwo: {
             variableTwoA: 'twoA',
             variableTwoB: 'twoB
   variableThree: {
             variableThreeA: 'threeA',
             variableThreeB: 'threeB'

You can use “dot” to access a particular level of your object.

const valueVariableOneA = myObj.variableOne.variableOneA
console.log(valueVariableOneA) // output => "oneA"

You can use the square brackets in replacement of dot. Square brackets are usefull when you want to create an object’s key with dash (eg: “cool-key”)

const valueVariableThreeB = myObj['variableThree']['variableThreeB']
console.log(valueVariableThreeB) // output => "threeB"

You can also use the destructuration to access particular value

// Get value of variableTwoA key

const { variableTwoA } = myObj.variableTwo // first way
const { variableTwo : { variableTwoA } } = myObj // second way

console.log(variableTwoA) // output => "twoA"

Now to add a key to a nested object you can use either dot or square brackets method. Here’s how to add key on the first level.

myObj.variableFour = { variableFourA: 'fourA', variableFourB: 'fourB' }
myObj['variableFour'] = { variableFourA: 'fourA', variableFourB: 'fourB' }

// add key on nested object

myObj.variableOne.variableOneC = 'oneC'
myObj['variableOne']['variableOneC'] = 'oneC'

// you can mix both
myObj['variableOne'].variableOneC = 'oneC'
myObj.variableOne['variableOneC'] = 'oneC'


Use this code:

myObj.variableOne['someValue'] = 'new value';

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