[Vuejs]-Use child array to get count for table



Okay so what you need to do is transform some data. Basically change the way a certain data is stored / represented. Now the Strings are in a consistent format, so we can use a combination of string operations to get a key => value store out of it (I am going to use ES6 syntax to simplify boilerplate)

let parseString = str => {
    let pairs = str.split(',');
    let obj = {};
    pairs.forEach(pair => {
        pair = pair.split(':');
        obj[pair[0]] = pair[1];
    return obj;

This function simply takes one of your strings, “DogType:Lab,Age:3,Name:Bowser” for example, and splits out an object such as {'DogType': 'Lab', 'Age': 3...}. Now that we have this, we can start to manipulate and group the data itself (if you’re not sure what array.map does, it basically gives a new array after running a function on each of the array’s values).

let comboBoxPairs = data.ComboBoxPairs.map(comboBoxPair => {
    comboBoxPair.Children = comboBoxPair.Children.map(children => parseString(children));
    return comboBoxPair;

Now we have replaced the incomprehensible array of strings into an array of objects we can start to group. First we need to figure out a data structure. You’re grouping by dog type first, so our object’s keys are the Dog’s Type. Then we simply need to add each quantity into the dog’s type and increment a count each time the quantity is encountered.

let dogType = {};
comboBoxPairs.forEach(comboBoxPair => {
    comboBoxPair.Children.forEach(children => {
        if (typeof dogType[children.DogType] === 'undefined') {
             dogType[children.DogType] = {};
        if (typeof dogType[children.DogType][comboBoxPair.Value.Key] === 'undefined') {
             dogType[children.DogType][comboBoxPair.Value.Key] = 0;

And you’re done! This gives you a Object such as :

    'Lab': {
        '1 Gallon': 2,

You can then loop through this object to display the values and totals.


Is your table example illustrative or is it meant to represent your sample data?

Your table does not seem to tally with the sample data so I am in doubt as to whether my understanding is correct?

If I can start with a generalised answer – which may not be enough but it may head you in the right direction~
1. If you can parse the data in full before seeking to output your results then you can build a summary array which makes your ‘un-ordered’ input data trivial – then presentation becomes a separate step.
2. If you have to do it in one pass – then you would normally think about sorting the data first – on the input – this is so you can handle mutt’s appearing at non-contiguous points.

Make sense?

My personal preference would be to build your running totals into a separate data structure – whether you have scenario 1 or 2 so that you can trap the increment no matter what level you find your relevant keys at within the for-in.

In short – is there any conceptual problem with building a new object for your summary?

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