To calculate percentages in Power BI using DAX, you can use the DIVIDE function. This function divides two numbers and returns the result as a decimal. To convert the decimal to a percentage, you can multiply the result by 100 and format it as a percentage.
Here is an example:
DAX Formula:
Percentage = DIVIDE(Sales[Amount], Sales[Total Sales]) * 100
In this example, we are calculating the percentage of sales for each individual sales amount compared to the total sales.
The DIVIDE function takes two arguments: the numerator (Sales[Amount]) and the denominator (Sales[Total Sales]). It divides the numerator by the denominator and returns the result as a decimal. By multiplying the result by 100, we get the percentage value.
Once you have defined the DAX formula, you can add a visual element, such as a table or a chart, to display the calculated percentages in Power BI.