How To Calculate Percentage Change In Power Bi

Calculating percentage change in Power BI can be done using the DAX formula called “DIVIDE”. The “DIVIDE” function takes two arguments: the numerator and the denominator. To calculate the percentage change, you need to subtract the initial value from the final value and divide it by the initial value.

Here’s an example:

    Total Revenue = SUM(Sales[Revenue])
    Previous Revenue = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Revenue]), DATEADD(Sales[Date], -1, MONTH))
    Percentage Change = DIVIDE(Total Revenue - Previous Revenue, Previous Revenue)

In this example, we calculate the total revenue for a specific period using the “Total Revenue” measure. The “Previous Revenue” measure calculates the sum of revenue for the previous month using the “CALCULATE” and “DATEADD” functions.

Lastly, we calculate the percentage change by subtracting the previous revenue from the total revenue and dividing it by the previous revenue using the “DIVIDE” function.

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