when I get rid of the load function in my routes it works as expected (and vendor chunk is also as expected) and I get:
Hash: 44e71b7f99a8c23f744a
Version: webpack 2.2.0
Time: 37300ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.012cf6a.woff 57.6 kB [emitted]
js/vendor.js 1.59 MB 0, 2 [emitted] [big] vendor
js/app.js 41.6 kB 1, 2 [emitted] app
js/manifest.js 1.43 kB 2 [emitted] manifest
app.1b4a3bd6bcac26b9462e4d297ad634b4.css 270 kB 1, 2 [emitted] [big] app
index.html 616 bytes [emitted]
Process finished with exit code 0
I got the load function from here.
And also find this way of dealing with the routes in other repos, so probably it serves a purpose. I will ask overthere.
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