Happened to me as well. Some people fixed it by closing running proxy processes that occupied localhost. Another temporary solution is to delete node modules and run npm install again.
- [Vuejs]-How we can reverse and remove the same message with to different buttons with VueJS?
- [Vuejs]-How to cherry publish my components library?
The electron-vue is not being updated at this time. (currently, electronic version 2.x)
There’s a boilerplate that I forked the electron-vue and updated all the modules with the latest modules. The use method is the same and we have added the ui framework and css-precessor.
- Electron 5
- Vue-CLI 3
- Babel 7
- Vue 2.6
- css-preprocessor
- Sass
- Less
- Stylus
- UI Framework
- Quasar 1.x
- Vuteify 2.x
We recommend you try it.
- [Vuejs]-Algolia Search and Nested Array
- [Vuejs]-Getting a 401 when trying to logout with Loopback API
The long loading time for Electron turned out to be my Home Directory being mapped to a network drive, missing on startup because I was in da different network. Electron seems to wait 30 seconds for a timeout when trying to read the home directory (in order to load application settings !?)