[Vuejs]-How to correctly make API calls inside store.js using Vuex to update data?


Look at this store from my real project. I’ve leaved comments to explain you some parts of the code:

import {
} from '../mutation-types';
import { PagesAPI } from '../../api';

const state = {
  loading: false, // this is needed to show `loading` screen
  error: null,    // this is needed to store and show error to the user (API errors)
  pages: [],      // pages will be here after fetching

const mutations = {
  [PAGES_FIND](state) {
    state.loading = true;
  [PAGES_FIND_SUCCESS](state, payload) {
    state.loading = false;
    state.error = null;
    state.pages = payload;
  [PAGES_FIND_ERROR](state, payload) {
    state.loading = false;
    state.error = payload;

const getters = {};
 * All AJAX calls should be here. I prefer to use `axios` for this job. 
 * I will show you PageAPI later
const actions = {
   * Fetches list of pages. Returns all the pages by default
   * @param {Function} [commit] - Commit function
   * @param {Object} [params={}] - Fetch params (it may be filter, limit, etc)
   * @returns {Promise}
  fetchPages({ commit }, params = {}) {
    commit(PAGES_FIND); // we need to show 'Loading...' inside the component
    return PagesAPI.find(params)
      .then(res => commit(PAGES_FIND_SUCCESS, res.data))
      .catch(err => commit(PAGES_FIND_ERROR, err));

const namespaced = true;

export default {

PageAPI implementation is here. I like to separate this things to make the code in side actions easer to read:

/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import axios from 'axios';
import config from '../../config';

const ENDPOINT = `${config.service.baseUrl}/pages`;

 * Returns pages
 * @param {Object} params
export const find = params => (
  axios.get(ENDPOINT, { params })

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