[Vuejs]-Why is my computed property not computing?


Thanks for everyone’s help. It turns out that the problem isn’t really with Vuejs per se. It’s a browser issue. Even though the src element was actually modified, it doesn’t update the action of the element until you call .load()

So, the solution that worked was as follows:

<span v-show="note.audio_length > 0" class="audio-element-wrapper">
    <audio ref="player" controls preload="none">
        <source :src="audioURL" type="audio/webm">
        Your browser does not support the audio element.

And then, in the scripts:

updated: function() {
    this.audioURL = "/notes/getAudio/" + this.note.id;


Solution 1 (vue 2.x)

If you want to pass the object properties as a props then you have to use v-bind directive, see the docs here.

I suppose in your parent component you have something like that for data property:

data: function () {
  return {
    note: {
      audio_lenght: 100,
      id: 12

Then write your component as:

<your-component v-bind='note'></your-component> 

And in YourComponent.vue:

props: ['id', 'audio_lenght']

computed: {
    audioURL: function() {
        return "/notes/getAudio/" + this.id;

Solution 2

Write your component as:

<your-component :note='note'></your-component> 

In YourComponent.vue:

props: {
  note: {
    type: Object
computed: {
  audioURL: function() {
    return "/notes/getAudio/" + this.note.id;


i suppose is not working because your audioURL computed value return a path without your file format.

try to change your computed:

computed: {
    audioURL: function() {
        return "/notes/getAudio/" + this.id + ".webm";

For a better debug i advise you to install vue-devtools

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