Flutter expanded border

Flutter Expanded Border

When working with Flutter, you can use the “Expanded” widget to expand a child widget to fill the available space in a parent widget. However, the Expanded widget does not have built-in support for adding a border directly. Nevertheless, you can achieve the desired effect by wrapping the child widget with additional widgets such as Container or DecoratedBox.

Example 1: Using Container

    children: [
        child: Container(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            border: Border.all(
              color: Colors.black,
              width: 2.0,
          child: YourChildWidget(),

In this example, a Column widget is used as the parent widget, and the child widget is wrapped inside an Expanded widget to ensure it fills the available space. The child widget is then wrapped with a Container widget, which provides the border by setting the “decoration” property to a BoxDecoration with the desired border styles (in this case, a black border with a width of 2.0).

Example 2: Using DecoratedBox

    children: [
        child: DecoratedBox(
          decoration: BoxDecoration(
            border: Border.all(
              color: Colors.black,
              width: 2.0,
          child: YourChildWidget(),

In this example, a DecoratedBox widget is used instead of the Container widget. The DecoratedBox widget also allows you to set a border by providing a BoxDecoration with the desired border styles.

Both examples provide a way to add a border to an Expanded widget in Flutter. Choose the one that best fits your needs and design preferences.

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