Maybe became useful for you to use a module rule at the webpack.config for sass, where all vue components will share the same archive or variable (you choose!);
Explaining better
First, you must have the sass-loader in your app.
To know if you already have it at your application, check out your package.json and search for it. If you haven’t… run: npm install -D sass-loader
Now that you have it, you can set the following configuration at your webpack.config.js:
module: {
rules: [
// ... other rules omitted
test: /\.scss$/,
use: [
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
additionalData: `@import "resources/css/sass/_variables.scss";`
Everything that you put in additionalData
is like if you were adding to all Vue Components. It should work fine.
But I don’t have a webpack.config.js…
So, if you don’t, don’t worry. It will be your issue if you started the project using the @vue/cli.
1. Create a file at the root of your vue project called vue.config.js;
2. Paste inside of it the following code:
module.exports = {
css: {
loaderOptions: {
// pass options to sass-loader
// @/ is an alias to src/
// so this assumes you have a file named `src/variables.sass`
// Note: this option is named as "prependData" in sass-loader v8
sass: {
additionalData: `@import "~@/variables.sass"`
scss: {
additionalData: `@import "~@/variables.scss";`
// http://lesscss.org/usage/#less-options-strict-units `Global Variables`
// `primary` is global variables fields name
globalVars: {
primary: '#fff'
There is 3 different options: scss, sass and less. You choose one more convenient for you and delete the others.
I hope to have helped you!
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