[Vuejs]-Get data from component in VueJS


If the <custom-vue></<custom-vue> component is a child component of the template you are showing, then you have to access the data through props in the child component.

export default {
    props: ['data']

To give the child component these data you have to give it through the component tag like so:

        <custom-vue :data="dataToExtract"></custom-vue>

    export default {
        data: function() {
            return {
                dataToExtract: "Access this"

Remember that is is a unidirectional dataflow, so you wont be able to change the data state from the child with this.

A better way to share data states across components is Vuex.

I hope this will help you. For further documentation visit: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props

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