[Chartjs]-Only first value added gets displayed in ng2-chart linechart


Remove the slice of the labels, that should do the trick

Which means your addRandomValue() should look like this:

addRandomValue(): void {
    this.chartData.push(Math.random() * 10 + 10);
    this.chartLabels.push(this.chartData.length + '');

    // weird workaround for refreshing data, works fine
    // for all other chart types I tried it on
    this.chartData = this.chartData.slice();


That’s a somewhat known issue. If you look at the examples for ng2-chart you’ll notice a comment written beneath the declaration of the bar-chart (https://github.com/valor-software/ng2-charts/blob/master/demo/src/app/components/charts/bar-chart-demo.ts).

To put it in a nutshell, you have to clone the data, get your CRUD done on the clone, and reassign the data to the original variable so the change is recognized.

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