Posix date in r hackerrank solution

POSIX Date in R HackerRank Solution

To solve the problem of obtaining the current date in POSIX format in R for HackerRank, you can use the following code:

current_date <- Sys.time()
posix_date <- as.POSIXlt(current_date, tz = "UTC")

year <- posix_date$year + 1900
month <- posix_date$mon + 1
day <- posix_date$mday

formatted_date <- paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")

In the above code, we first obtain the current date and time using Sys.time() function. Then, we convert the obtained datetime into POSIX format using as.POSIXlt() function, specifying the timezone as "UTC".

Next, we extract the year, month, and day components from the POSIX date object. Note that the obtained month is zero-indexed, so we add 1 to get the correct month value.

Finally, we concatenate the year, month, and day values into a string representation of the date using the paste() function. The sep = "-" argument specifies that we want to separate the components of the date with hyphens.

Here's an example to illustrate the solution:

# Load required functions

# Obtain the current date in POSIX format
formatted_date <- get_posix_date()

# Print the formatted date



In this example, the function get_posix_date() is assumed to be defined in a separate file (e.g., "solution.R") and contains the solution code mentioned earlier.

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