[Chartjs]-Create a chart on a dynamically created canvas in Angular-chart.js



You’re altering the structure of the DOM, you can’t append your newly created element like that in a “vanilla” or “jQuery” way.

You need to compile your HTML string or DOM element into a template to produce a template function that will be linked to the scope. The process will walk the DOM tree and match DOM elements to directives.

// Instantiate the app, the 'myApp' parameter must match what is in ng-app
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['chart.js']);

// Create the controller, the 'ToddlerCtrl' parameter must match an ng-controller directive
myApp.controller('ChartCtrl', function ($scope, $compile) {
  canvas_html = '<canvas id="chart-2" class="chart chart-doughnut" chart-data="chart.data" chart-labels="chart.labels"></canvas>';

  var element = angular.element(canvas_html);

  $scope.chart =    {
     name: 'Chart 1',
     type: 'Doughnut',
     labels: ['EVSC', 'ISB'],
     data: [13, 44]

You can check out the result in this Plunker example.


@HiDeo’s answer is spot on, but here is a simplified Directive to do the same thing (notice the $compile still). The chartData variable attached to the scope is the presets for Chartjs’ charts, any will work – the only thing of note is the $watch that I have added to the update property: if you are going to be updating your charts I would suggest doing something like this just to keep your hands clean.

    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            chartData: '=replaceWithChart',
            height: '=',
            width: '='
        compile: function(element){
            var canvasModel = angular.element('<canvas></canvas>');
            return {
                post: function postLink(scope,elem,attr){
                    var canvas = canvasModel.clone();

                    !scope.height && (scope.height = elem[0].style.height || (elem[0].offsetHeight || elem[0].clientHeight));
                    !scope.width && (scope.width = elem[0].style.width || (elem[0].offsetWidth || elem[0].clientWidth));

                    var chart = new Chart(canvas[0].getContext('2d'),scope.chartData);
                    canvas.attr('height',(canvas[0].style.height = scope.height + 'px'));
                    canvas.attr('width',(canvas[0].style.width = scope.width + 'px'));

                        scope.chartData.update && !(scope.chartData.update = false) && chart.update();
                    // Fixed some rendering issue, but I can't remember which
                        var padding = elem[0].style.padding || (window.getComputedStyle(elem[0],null).getPropertyValue('padding'));
                        elem[0].style.padding = '0';
                        elem[0].style.padding = padding;
                    },300); // Magic number - I found this worked best

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