Plugin with id ‘’ not found.


This error message “plugin with id ‘’ not found” is commonly encountered in Android projects that use Firebase services. This error typically occurs when the necessary Google Play Services Gradle plugin is missing or misconfigured in the project.


To resolve the issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Android Studio.
  2. Navigate to the build.gradle file of the module that is showing the error. This is often the app-level build.gradle.
  3. Within the build.gradle file, locate the dependencies section.
  4. Add the following line to the dependencies:
    classpath ''

Here is an example of how the dependencies section may look like after adding the above line:

    dependencies {
    classpath ''
    classpath ''

After adding the above line, click on the “Sync Now” button that appears in the top-right corner of your Android Studio. This will sync the changes and download the necessary Google Play Services Gradle plugin.

If the issue persists, make sure you have the correct version of the Google Play Services Gradle plugin specified in your build.gradle file. You can find the latest version by checking the Firebase documentation or the official Google Maven repository.

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