playwright error: no tests found
When encountering the error “playwright error: no tests found”, it means that Playwright was not able to find any tests to run. This error commonly occurs when using a test runner or framework (such as Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine) and not specifying any test files or test cases.
To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that you have defined your tests properly and provided the necessary configuration for your chosen test runner.
Example with Jest test runner:
In the case of Jest, you need to make sure that you have created test files with appropriate test cases. For example:
// myTest.spec.js test('should perform a simple test', () => { // Test logic goes here }); test('should run another test case', () => { // Another test logic });
Then, in your Jest configuration file (usually jest.config.js or package.json), you should specify the pattern to match your test files:
// jest.config.js module.exports = { testMatch: [ '**/?(*.)+(spec|test).js' // This pattern matches any file that ends with 'spec.js' or 'test.js' in any subdirectory ] };
By doing this, you are providing Jest with the necessary information to find and run your tests.
Example with Mocha test runner:
Similarly, if you are using Mocha as your test runner, you need to create test files and specify them in your Mocha configuration file (usually mocha.opts or package.json). For example:
// myTest.js describe('My Test Suite', () => { it('should perform a simple test', () => { // Test logic goes here }); it('should run another test case', () => { // Another test logic }); });
And in your Mocha configuration file (mocha.opts or package.json), you should specify the test files:
// mocha.opts --recursive test/*.js // This pattern matches any JavaScript file in the 'test' directory and its subdirectories
Make sure to adjust the file and folder paths as per your project structure.