Php warning: php startup: unable to load dynamic library ‘’

PHP Warning: PHP Startup – Unable to Load Dynamic Library ‘’

When encountering the error message “PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘'”, it means that the PHP interpreter is not able to load the ‘’ extension file. This often happens when the necessary extension is not installed or improperly configured on the server.

Possible Solutions

  1. Check PHP Extension Directory
  2. Verify that the ‘’ file exists in the PHP extension directory. By default, this directory is usually located at ‘/usr/lib/php/extensions’ or ‘/usr/lib64/php/modules’, depending on your server’s configuration. If the file is missing, you may need to install the extension.

  3. Install the SQL Server Extension
  4. If the ‘’ file is missing, you can install the SQL Server extension for PHP by following these steps:

    • For Ubuntu/Debian-based systems:
    • sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install php-sqlsrv
    • For CentOS/RHEL-based systems:
    • sudo yum install php-sqlsrv

      After installing the extension, restart the web server to apply the changes.

  5. Enable the Extension
  6. Sometimes, the extension may be installed but not enabled in the PHP configuration. To enable it, you’ll need to modify the ‘php.ini’ file. Locate the file by running the following command in the terminal:

    php --ini

    This will display the path where the ‘php.ini’ file resides. Open that file in a text editor (e.g., nano, vim) and search for the following line:


    Remove the semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line and save the file. Finally, restart the web server to apply the changes.

  7. Verify PHP Version and Architecture
  8. Ensure that the SQL Server extension you installed is compatible with your PHP version and architecture. For example, a 64-bit extension will not work with a 32-bit PHP installation. Use the phpinfo() function to check your PHP version and architecture, and ensure they match the installed extension.

Hopefully, one of these solutions will help resolve the “PHP Warning: PHP Startup – Unable to load dynamic library ‘'” error. Remember to consult your server’s documentation or seek assistance from a system administrator if you’re unsure about making changes to the server configuration files.

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