Php warning: module ‘openssl’ already loaded in unknown on line 0


PHP Warning: “module ‘openssl’ already loaded in unknown on line 0”

This warning occurs when the OpenSSL module is being loaded twice in your PHP configuration file(s). It can happen if you have multiple PHP configuration files or if the OpenSSL module is both compiled into PHP and being loaded as a dynamic extension. The warning message itself indicates that the module is already loaded and it is being attempted to load again, resulting in this warning.

To resolve this warning, you need to ensure that the OpenSSL module is only loaded once. Here are a few possible scenarios and their solutions:

  1. Multiple php.ini files:

    If you have multiple php.ini files, you need to find and modify the one that is being used by your PHP installation.

    • Locate the php.ini file(s) being used by your PHP installation. This can be done by running the phpinfo() function and looking for the “Loaded Configuration File” directive.
    • Edit the php.ini file that is being used and search for the line containing extension=openssl.
    • If you find multiple occurrences of this line, remove the duplicate(s) and save the file.
  2. OpenSSL compiled into PHP:

    If OpenSSL is compiled into PHP and being loaded as a dynamic extension, you should disable the dynamic loading.

    • Locate the PHP configuration file(s) being used by your web server (e.g., php.ini or .htaccess files).
    • Search for the line containing extension=openssl.
    • If found, comment out the line by adding a semicolon (;) at the beginning like ;extension=openssl.
    • Save the file and restart your web server.

After applying the necessary changes, the warning should no longer appear.


Here is an HTML content representing the explanation for the PHP warning “module ‘openssl’ already loaded in unknown on line 0”. The provided content is styled using div tags without the body, h1, and html tags. It gives a detailed explanation of the warning and provides possible solutions with examples for handling this issue.

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