[Chartjs]-Object is possibly 'null' react typescript


If nothings seems to work you can disable type checking for a particular line by adding following comment (only if there is no other way to just work around with it)

// ...other styles
// @ts-ignore: Unreachable code error
backgroundColor: gradientFill
          ? gradientFill
          : chartRef.current.data.datasets[0].backgroundColor,
//...other styles


It’s possible that chartRef.current is not defined, so you need to check that it exists before you can access the data property on it:

            ? chartRef.current.data.datasets[0].backgroundColor
            : gradientFill,

I would also recommend moving the definition of chartRef to be above the formatData function which accesses it.


Object is possibly ‘null’.

That is actually correct. In fact, the type of chartRef is React.MutableRefObject<Chart | null>, thus it’s current property is either a Chart or null. If you are sure it will not be null when accessing the getter, you can use the non-null assertion operator, ie. !. So you’d do this:


Here, you are allowed to call methods on it, or access properties, eg. data.

However, you’ll see that dataset may be undefined. Therefore, you should either implement some conditional logic to check if it has a value, or — again — if you are sure it will have a value, then use the same operator:

backgroundColor: gradientFill
          ? gradientFill
          : chartRef.current!.data.datasets![0].backgroundColor

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