[Chartjs]-Running chart.js locally on webpage not displaying charts


I was running into the same error, I downloaded the package and unpacked it into /scripts/chartjs/ under www-root.

That folder has now this content:

02/13/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          .
02/13/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          ..
02/13/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          auto
02/13/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          dist
02/13/2023  08:59 PM    <DIR>          helpers
10/26/1985  02:15 AM             1,093 LICENSE.md
10/26/1985  02:15 AM             4,359 package.json
10/26/1985  02:15 AM             2,640 README.md
               3 File(s)          8,092 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  711,093,805,056 bytes free

I call the package in my html header with

<script src="/scripts/chartjs/dist/chart.umd.js"></script>

It works. Unfortunately the documentation is not very clear.

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