[Chartjs]-Hiding unused axis in ng2-charts


   If you want to remove the x axis and y axis data so to do that you need 
        to use scales and put in bar-chart-demo.ts file and inside export
          class you have to paste like that what  i mentioned below 
             and it worked . 

 public barChartOptions:any = {
  scaleShowVerticalLines: false,
     animation: false,
     responsive: true,

scales: {
   xAxes: [
        display: false
   yAxes: [
        display: false



You can hide the axis in your code. Just add an angular on-mouseover event and set the display to true/false with negation !condition:

scales: {
    xAxes: [
            display: false
    yAxes: [
            display: false

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