[Chartjs]-Chart js: Update line chart having two data sets



I am not able to find out the issue with your code, but you can refer the below way of updating charts which is very similar to what you have tried but this is working. You can refer the fiddle also -> http://jsfiddle.net/cuzx3L7j/4/

Hope it helps!

function clearAndAddNewDataSets() {
  myChart.config.data.datasets = [];
  myChart.config.data.labels = [];

  var labels = ['Label1', 'Label2', 'Label3', 'Label4', 'Label5', 'Label6', 'Label8', 'Label8'];
  var data = [
    [234, 234, 5, 23, 34, 234, 234, 234],
    [22, 1, 123, 14, 2]

  var colors = ['Red', 'Green'];

  myChart.config.data.labels = labels;

  for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    var dataSet = {
      label: 'testLabel' + i,
      data: data[i],
      backgroundColor: colors[i]




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