Parameter ‘e’ implicitly has an ‘any’ type


When TypeScript compiler gives the error “parameter ‘e’ implicitly has an ‘any’ type”, it means that the type of the parameter ‘e’ is not explicitly defined.

In TypeScript, it is considered a best practice to explicitly define the type of function parameters. This helps in catching errors and provides better type safety.

Here’s an example to illustrate this:

function handleClick(e) {
    // Handle event

In the above code, the parameter ‘e’ is not explicitly defined with a type. Hence, TypeScript compiler assumes its type as ‘any’, which means it can be of any type.

To fix this error, we should explicitly define the type of the parameter ‘e’. For example, if the event is a mouse event, we can define the type as ‘MouseEvent’ like this:

function handleClick(e: MouseEvent) {
    // Handle mouse event

By explicitly defining the type, we tell the TypeScript compiler that the parameter ‘e’ is expected to be of type ‘MouseEvent’ and it will provide better type checking and error detection.

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