Pandas to_excel decimal separator

Query: pandas to_excel decimal separator

When using the pandas library to export data to an Excel file, you may encounter the need to specify the decimal separator. By default, pandas will use the decimal separator specified in your system’s locale settings. However, you can override this behavior and specify a different decimal separator using the `float_format` parameter.

The `float_format` parameter accepts a format string that defines how floating-point numbers should be displayed. You can use the format specification mini-language to define the decimal separator, as well as other formatting options such as the number of decimal places, padding, and alignment.

Here’s an example to illustrate how to use the `float_format` parameter to specify the decimal separator as a comma (“,”) instead of the default period (“.”):

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Column1": [0.1234, 1.5678, 2.9876],
    "Column2": [3.4567, 4.789, 5.092]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Specify comma as the decimal separator
float_format = "%.2f"

# Export DataFrame to Excel with the specified decimal separator
df.to_excel("output.xlsx", float_format=float_format)

In the above example, we first create a DataFrame `df` with some sample data. We then specify the `float_format` as `%.2f`, which tells pandas to display floating-point numbers with two decimal places and use a comma as the decimal separator. Finally, we call the `to_excel` method to export the DataFrame to an Excel file named “output.xlsx” with the specified decimal separator.

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