[Chartjs]-How to draw a linear regression line in Chart.js



I typically use the regression package.

First, add the package as an external script.
Second, clean your data. Just basic checks here:

const clean_data = datoa
    .filter(({ x, y }) => {
      return (
        typeof x === typeof y &&  // filter out one string & one number
        !isNaN(x) &&              // filter out `NaN`
        !isNaN(y) &&
        Math.abs(x) !== Infinity && 
        Math.abs(y) !== Infinity
    .map(({ x, y }) => {
      return [x, y];             // we need a list of [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]

Then run

const my_regression = regression.linear(

The result will be something like:

  'points': [[4,3.79],[4.75,3.83],[5.5,3.87],.....],
  'equation': [0.05,3.59],
  'r2': 0.26,
  'string': 'y = 0.05x + 3.59'

Done. Weโ€™ve got our [x,y] points. So transform the linear regression points into something that chartjs can render:

const useful_points = my_regression.points.map(([x, y]) => {
    return y;    
    // or {x, y}, depending on whether you just want y-coords for a 'linear' plot
    // or x&y for a 'scatterplot'

You can add these points either as

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