Python subprocess ctrl c

When using the Python subprocess module, you can send a “Ctrl+C” or interrupt signal to the process by using the `send_signal()` method of the `subprocess.Popen` object. The “Ctrl+C” signal is typically used to terminate a process gracefully.

Here’s an example of how to use the `send_signal()` method to send the “Ctrl+C” signal to a running subprocess:

    import subprocess
    import signal
    # Start the subprocess
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['python', ''])
    # Perform some other operations...
    # Send the Ctrl+C signal
    # Wait for the subprocess to terminate

In the above example, a subprocess is started using the `subprocess.Popen()` function. The `send_signal()` method is then used to send the `SIGINT` signal (which corresponds to the “Ctrl+C” signal) to the subprocess. Finally, the `wait()` method is called to wait for the subprocess to terminate.

Note that you need to import the `subprocess` and `signal` modules in order to use the `send_signal()` method and the `SIGINT` signal respectively.

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