Chartjs-Updating Chart.js Datasets โ€“ Array not re-initializing (Jquery / PHP)



So I approached this all wrong. The select.on.change() should have been called outside the function, and when executing, call the showSuccessRate() function.

Here is the working code:

          .on('change',  // When the user changed the select option, run this
            function () { 
              $('#clisuccessrate-chart').remove(); //Remove the chart canvas (because it would have loaded when document ready)
              $('div#clisuccessrate-container').append('<canvas id="clisuccessrate-chart" height="200"></canvas>'); // Add the canvas back into the html
              showSuccessRate(); // Call the function to draw the chart
          })// end onchange event

   showSuccessRate(); // Make the Bar Chart when document is ready
function showSuccessRate(){ // Build Bar Graph
  {var selectedOption = $('#selectTop').children('option:selected').val(); // Get the value of the option, use this value to set limit in PHP SQL Query
    $.ajax("database/cliSuccessFail-filter.php", {data: {topSelect: selectedOption} ,method:'POST', success: function (data) {
        console.log('The selected option value is: ' + selectedOption); // Log the value to check response
        var mx_cli = [];
        var mx_success = [];
        var mx_failure = [];
        var mx_attempts = [];
       // ^ Declare empty array
        for (var i in data) {
     // ^ Populate the arrays
        var csf_datasets = {
          labels: mx_cli, // Assign label 
          datasets: [{
              backgroundColor: '#007bff',
              borderColor: '#007bff',
              data: mx_success,
              label: 'Successful'
              backgroundColor: '#ced4da',
              borderColor: '#ced4da',
              data: mx_failure,
              label: 'Unsuccessful'
        var csf_options = {
          maintainAspectRatio: false,

        var csf_config = {
          type: 'bar',
          data: csf_datasets, // Bind dataset 
          options: csf_options, // Bind options

        var $cliSuccessRateChart = $('#clisuccessrate-chart'); // Get the canvas ID
        var myChart = new Chart($cliSuccessRateChart, csf_config); // Draw the chart
     } }) // END POST
}// END FUNCTION showSuccessRate
}); //End document.ready()

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