To resolve this go to settings.py
where there is new-style MIDDLEWARE
(introduced in Django 1.10)
Change that to old-style MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
I found the answer. The variable name on:
is the new-style configuration introduced in Django 1.10. Change the name to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
and now it works.
So now the code is:
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In case anyone is having this problem with Django 2.0, the following configuration with new-style MIDDLEWARE
seems to work (docs here):
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In case anyone is having the same problem in django 2.0.2 or later,
just update
It worked for me cause i created my project with
django 1.0.x but later updated to django 2.0.2
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You should not change MIDDLEWARE to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. What happens here is more likely that you created the app with django 1.10 and now you are running it with 1.9 or a previous version.
Make sure you use a specific version of django(and all other libraries) so your project doesnβt break when deploying or running on different machines.
If you have a stable codebase simply run:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
And then when deploying or setting up a new env just do:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You should always consider using fixed versions of your libraries(and hopefully virtual envs), and when upgrading dependencies test each version change.
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I had a similar error in my production server and thanks to sentryβs breadcrumbs I saw that the error that was raising had to do with my settings, especially the ALLOWED_HOSTS.
Django version 1.10.8 with python 2.7.
My previous settings:
Sentry Breadcrumbs screen shot:
After that I looked around and found this:
A value beginning with a period can be used as a subdomain wildcard:
β.example.comβ will match example.com, www.example.com, and any other
subdomain of example.com.
Link to Django official docs
So my final settings that solved my problem:
Hope this was useful
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My solution was that my Django ver. was 1.9 I reinstalled back to 1.10 without changing MIDDLEWARE to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.
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