[Django]-'dict' object has no attribute 'create' / 'save'


You should use a ModelForm, which will define the fields automatically to match those on the model. Then you can call form.save() to create the instance directly from the form.


Daniel’s answer is more correct

if form.is_valid():

I’ll leave my original answer though, just for the documentation links.

The form.cleaned_data is a dictionary type, and doesn’t have the create() method. I assume you are trying to create a model for that data into your database?

Take a look at Can a dictionary be passed to django models on create? to create a model from that dictionary. An example may be:

cd = form.cleaned_data
themodel = Individu(**cd)

Here is the documentation for processing the form data as well.


Good luck!


If you just want the submitted data to be saved as a django ModelForm, use form.save().

see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/#s-the-save-method

This will already use cleaned/validated data.

You can use form.cleaned_data if you need to do sth. else than saving it with a model instance.


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