.accepted_renderer not set on response

When you encounter the error message ” .accepted_renderer not set on response”, it typically means that the server’s response object does not have a valid renderer set to handle the content format requested by the client.

The renderer is responsible for converting the data received from the server into the appropriate format for the client. This can be HTML, JSON, XML, or any other supported format. Without a proper renderer, the server cannot generate a valid response for the client’s requested format.

To resolve this error, you need to ensure that the server’s response object has a valid renderer set. The specific steps to do this may vary depending on the server framework or programming language you are using. Here’s an example in Python using the Django framework:

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse

def my_view(request):
    response = HttpResponse()
    response.content = "Hello, world!"
    response.accepted_renderer = "django.template.DefaultTemplateRenderer" # Set the renderer to the default template renderer
    response.accepted_media_type = "text/html" # Set the accepted media type to HTML
    return response

In this example, we create a basic view function that sets the appropriate renderer and media type for the response. The accepted_renderer attribute is set to the default template renderer provided by Django, and the accepted_media_type is set to “text/html” to indicate that the client expects an HTML response.

By ensuring that the response object has a valid renderer set, you should no longer encounter the “.accepted_renderer not set on response” error when handling client requests.

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